USC stands for Universal Social Charge. It is a tax levied in Ireland on income after certain reliefs and exemptions are applied. Introduced in 2011, the USC was designed to replace other levies and charges, and it is payable on gross income, including notional pay, before any pension contributions or PRSI. The rate of USC and the income thresholds applicable may vary and are set annually in the Budget.
Did you know that working multiple jobs or only part of the year could lead to overpayment on your Universal Social Charge (USC)? And if your annual earnings are below €13,000, you shouldn’t be paying USC at all!
The Catch: Sometimes, if your weekly income peaks beyond a certain threshold, Revenue may wrongly project that you earn at that rate year-round, causing undue USC deductions.
How We Can Help:
- USC Audit: We delve deep into your payment history, spotting any USC overcharges from the past four years.
- Simple Solution: Just fill out My Tax Refund’s online form. We take care of the rest, ensuring your hard-earned money finds its way back to you.
Don’t Let Overcharges Slip Through. Ensure you’re not paying more than you owe. My Tax Refund helps you reclaim your rightful funds!